Con la testa tra le nuvole ma con i piedi nella terra

Competition Two calls for Vajont announced by Contemporary Dolomites

2014; cold cathode tube x 2,5 cm; “project”.

The work With the head in the clouds but the feet on the ground was conceived following some reflections after a conversation with the curator of Contemporary Dolomites, during the inspection at Casso. This is an important step that comes into the projecting phase of all the installations, as I feel essential to have the indirect comparison with the place in which I will have to set up the exhibition. It is about making a sort of tailors’ work, sewing imagines and states of mind to a geography that does not belong to me but that I try to make it familiar in my own unconscious, entering in contact with it and exploring it. It stroked me in particular the emphasis the curator has chosen to put on the concept of futurist, like a possibility, through the art, to see a territory revive, a territory which had been somehow deleted because of a silent pain that has been lingering for fifty years amongst the surviving inhabitants, but also amongst the new generations. A wound that has yet not yet healed. People are concrete here, no frivolous activities; however, in particular for the younger generations, there is a need to be born again, or simply to start dreaming. The main challenge was indeed to keep a balance between these two tendencies, denying a false and pathetic death rhetoric. The basic idea was not spontaneous but it originated with great simplicity, and I found myself imagining a human figure, which reminds of a truck, with the head and feet hidden by the clouds the first – immersed in thoughts full of hope – and the others in the ground, symbol of roots, hence life. And we have to be respectful of such ground which has preceded us in history and welcomes us when the circle of like is coming to a close in a circle that sees us taking energy from it through our existence and which demands at the end to be returned.

2014 - tubo a catodo freddo - 740 x 880 x 2,5 cm - “project”
2014 - tubo a catodo freddo - 740 x 880 x 2,5 cm - “project”
2014 - tubo a catodo freddo - 740 x 880 x 2,5 cm - “project”
2014 - tubo a catodo freddo - 740 x 880 x 2,5 cm - “project”
2014 - tubo a catodo freddo - 740 x 880 x 2,5 cm - “project”